books suggestions
Little peace of mind Nicola Bird
Inside-out revolution Michael Neill
Someone should have told us Jack Pransky
Real Clare Dimond
Free “
Little book of Clarity Jamie Smart
Little book of result Jamie Smart
Coming home Dicken Bettinger & Nathasha Swerdloff
Sweet sharing Ankhus Jain
Little book of big change Amy Johnson
Missing link Sydney Banks
Enlightened gardener
Enlightened gardener revisited
Second chance
Healing from the inside-out Nauman Naeem M.D.
Addiction : one cause, one solution Christian McNeill, Barbara Sarah Smith
Evolution of addiction recovery Harold Derbitsky
Relationship handbook George Pransky
The secret of Love : unlock the mystery and unleash the magic Lori Carpenos & Christine Heath
Marriage Rohini Ross
5 love languages Gary Chapman
for children:
What is a Thought/What is Wisdom (Jack Pranksy and Amy Kahofer),
Dear Liza (Syd Banks),
Do You Want To Know A Secret (Marie Arynmar),
The Adventures of Curious The Dragon Fly,
Inside Out Izzy.
It’s an inside-out world by Lori Carpenos
A book about thinking thoughts by George & Linda Pransky
videos suggestions
Videos de Sydney Banks (théosophe)
Dr. Bill Petit :